Über 60.000 Behandlungen | 25 Jahre Erfahrung | 662 Treatwell-Bewertungen 4,9
  • Permanent hair removal: always smooth and sexy!

Permanent hair removal in Berlin with the latest technology

IPL Method

The great advantage of the Intense Pulsed LightIntensePulseLight T technology compared to the laser is that the IPL method uses a defined wavelength range of light. This brings the energy that is supposed to destroy the germ cells of the hair follicle to different depths of the skin. Since the hair roots are not always placed at the same depth of the skin, there is a greater chance of reaching and permanently destroying all of the hair roots.


The laser uses exactly one wavelength of light for permanent hair removal. This is bundled and concentrated via the melanin of the hair into the germ layer of the hair root to be destroyed. Here, too, as with the IPL method, the germ cells are desolated so that no more hair can be formed.

HYPERPULSE – The fastest and most modern hair removal system.

The latest treatment method with the Hyperpulse is one-in-motion technology. The cooled sapphire head slides over the area to be treated. You just feel a pleasant warmth. The heat stitches are eliminated in this way. Your advantage: a pleasant, painless, safe and permanently hair-free treatment.


  • Permanent removal
  • Painfree and fast
  • Perfect result


Upper lip
39 EUR
49 EUR
Upper lip & chin
59 EUR
69 EUR
Bikini line
69 EUR
49 EUR
49 EUR
99 EUR
Upper arms
119 EUR
Under arms
99 EUR
99 EUR
Arms complete
199 EUR
Intimate area completely women
130 EUR
119 EUR
Gluteal crease
59 EUR
Lower leg
149 EUR
Upper leg
179 EUR
legs complete
300 EUR
179 EUR
99 EUR
Beard correction
99 EUR

Permanent Hair Removal

What you should know…

Duration of treatment:

from 15 minutes, depending on area

Type of treatment:

on-site as an outpatient


ready again immediately




When might the treatment not be possible?

– During pregnancy, we do not perform permanent hair removal treatments with the Hyperpulse System or with the laser or the SHR method.
– If you are taking antibiotics or drugs that cause increased light sensitivity in the skin, no treatment can be carried out.
– The area to be treated should be free of active inflammation.
– The skin to be treated should not be too tanned.

What do I have to consider before and after the treatment?

Our trained staff will give you a free consultation before the treatment. We explain in detail how permanent hair removal works, how the treatment works and clarify your individual needs in an anamnesis. It would be nice if you shave the area to be treated before coming for treatment. Of course, we will also do this if you haven’t had the time. A well-moisturized skin allows the light to reach the hair roots better. It would perfect our result if you put some lotion on your skin. Please do not come to us after direct sun exposure, the lighter the skin, the easier it is for the light to reach the germ cells of your hair

After the treatment you are not restricted and you can go back to your everyday business immediately.

Can all hair colors be treated successfully?

Permanent hair removal with light, whether laser or IPL, works through the melanin of the hair. The melanin is the color pigment of the hair and is able to absorb the light, to guide it into the hair follicle and to convert it into heat. But if the melanin, the color, is missing, if the hair is gray or very light, not much light energy can be absorbed and successfully conducted to the hair root. Permanent hair removal becomes very difficult. At Perfect Skin Berlin we advise you very honestly and explain realistic goals and results to you.

How does permanent hair removal proceed?

You lie down on our comfortable treatment bed. The area to be treated is professionally prepared and coated with a special gel spray. Our hair removal experts at Perfect Skin Berlin then set the right energy on the device, tailored to your skin type, and glide over the area to be treated. You may feel a small amount of heat. Your skin remains undamaged and you can go straight back to your usual activities.

How often do I have to come for treatment?

The hair is in a hair growth cycle. This means that not all hairs are always actively connected to the root. Only about 15-20% of all hair is in the so-called active or anagen phase. All others are not connected to the root and so cannot function as a light guide. This means that you need several treatments at an interval of about 6 weeks. In the face, the growth cycle can be a little faster, around 4 weeks. Shorter time intervalls usually do not help.



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