Über 60.000 Behandlungen | 25 Jahre Erfahrung | 662 Treatwell-Bewertungen 4,9
  • Effective methods for a tight and beautiful body

With various effective methods to success


With cryolipolysis at Perfect Skin Berlin, the area to be treated is specifically cooled. Studies have found that fat cells are more sensitive to cold than the surrounding tissue. This knowledge has been used in cryolipolysis. The skin is protected with a cold fleece. Many areas of the body can be treated with special cold applicators.


With radiofrequency, stretched tissue can be tightened again through heat. The radio waves make the skin’s water molecules vibrate. This leads to friction and resulting to heat in deeper tissue layers. Targeted heating of the collagenous and elastic fibers of the connective tissue allows the loose fibers to contract again. This is also known as the “shrinking process”. The result: a firmer and smoother skin surface.


If the fat cell membranes are destroyed by cryolipolysis, caviation or the fat-away injection, the dissolved fat must be transported out of the body. With the help of lipomassage, we at Perfect Skin Berlin can specifically activate the lymph flow and optimize the previously triggered processes. With a vacuum and various rolling programs, we perform a deep tissue massage on the previously treated areas. The connective tissue is well supplied with blood and the lymph flow is stimulated.

Fat-away injection

You are probably familiar with the small, stubborn fat deposits that simply do not want to go away even with a lot of exercise and a balanced diet. The fat-away injection is the treatment of choice for these small areas. The fat dissolving material is injected with a fine needle. The first results can be seen after four weeks.


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